Quiz #3
Oculomotor Functions and Neurology
Spring 1998

1. (4 points) Diagnose the paretic muscle for the left eye. LSO

2. (4 points) Describe Parinaud's syndrome. Paresis of vertical eye movements

3. (4 points) Describe posterior INO and the lesion that causes it.
Lateral gaze palsy affecting the ipsilateral LR and contralateral MR. The lesion disrupts the abducens nucleus. Interneuron and VI

4. (4 points) Describe 1 1/2 syndrome and the lesion that causes it.
This lesion blocks interneurons from both abducens nuclie plus the sixth nerve projection to one lateral rectus. One eye is paralyzed and the other only has abduction.

5. (4 points) Describe the actions of the superior rectus when the eye is abducted 23 degrees.

Pure elevation. and no torsion
6. ( 4 points) Which extraocular muscles have motor nuclie on the opposite half of the brainstem? SR and SO